36 Coupe Chassis and Suspension

We started this 1936 Plymouth 5-window coupe project about 2 weeks ago.

We found ourselves asking . . .What are we going to do with this 36 coupe project?

How about make it into a bad ass hot rod. . .  OK.
1936 Plymouth Coupe

Here we are applying the front end parts. Notice the custom fabrication on the engine mounts.

1936 Plymouth Coupe

Placing engine on center line, we Mig welded in the front cross member.

1936 Plymouth Coupe

As seen below, the engine and transmission fit well with the tubular arms and coil-over front shocks. This should be a smooth running street rod.

1936 Plymouth Coupe

Below we are making sure the steering shaft will be accessible thru the engine mount base. It looks like the power steering rack should be a breeze.

1936 Plymouth Coupe


Posted in Custom Metal Fabrication, FOR SALE: 1936 Plymouth Coupe