Jim Oddy, his Chevy Beretta and Drag Racing Hall of Fame

The International Drag Racing Hall of Fame honored its 2018 inductees in Gainesville, Fla., adding Jim Oddy to its roll call of honorees. In honor of this great accolade we would like to share a few photos from the early days of PRO MOD and one of the first cars that helped start the PRO MOD craze.

Jim Oddy is known for pushing the limits of his drag cars.

In true Jim Oddy fashion the Beretta was banned shortly after this photo was taken for running a solid rear end. These photos are from 1989 the early days of PRO MOD.


Don Bouma raced the same stretched blown Chevy Beretta out of Canada.


Now the same Beretta is on our jig table – ready to live another day.


Pro Mod for sale


Posted in FOR SALE: Jim Oddy Beretta
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