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This car is race ready . . . and brand spanking new

Are you in the market for a new race car? This Vega is a great value.  It’s brand new, only a few test hits down the track. 12-Point Roll Cage NHRA 8.50 Certification Car weight =2184 lbs. (no driver, race ready) PASS WITH NOS: 1/8 = 5.501 at 126.98 MPH 1/8 = 5.494

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Posted in FOR SALE: 1977 Vega Hatchback

Become A Winning Bracket Racer

I remember the days when quarter-mile heads up drag racing was the norm at every drag strip. Both cars leave the starting line and the crowd goes crazy. Today bracket racing is by far the most popular form of drag racing.  Bracket racing series are coast-to-coast and basically for every level of drag racing

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Posted in FOR SALE: 1977 Vega Hatchback
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Adding all the components and making all the parts

Welding on tabs and brackets to mount up all the components necessary to make this vega hatchback a really great bracket car. Since, out of the box parts don’t always fit we modify or make our own. Buy This Drag Racing Car Today & Race Tomorrow!

Posted in FOR SALE: 1977 Vega Hatchback