This 427 SBC Vega Makes A Second Visit To Bristol Dragway

Yesterday some local racers invited us to test at the track.  The finish line shows the time of the 1/4 mile pass. We are testing for 1/8 mile. The is the drivers view from the NOS pass.

Same pass, driver lifts at the 1/8 mile.

This is the time slip for the NOS pass. This NEW car has been built for bracket racing 1/8 mile all day long with a 427 SBC.  

Hatchback second track test NOS hit

Below are time slips for the other two runs made Naturally Aspirated.

77 Vega Hatchback naturally aspirated

This New bracket car will bring years of enjoyment and winning to the owner.

Buy This Drag Racing Car Today & Race Tomorrow!

Posted in FOR SALE: 1977 Vega Hatchback
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